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Tools define the Product and it's Success

Unlike almost every other industrialized product the built environment is mired in stagnation.  

This is a Craftsman

Craftsman Tools.png

He plys millennia old practices of transforming sticks, mud and rocks into high value structures with copious amounts of high quality labor.

Our craftsman must constantly refer to an extremely complex series of instructions known as blueprints or construction documents.  He must plan, calculate, move, measure, cut, drill, nail, screw, trowel, tie, bend, bond, etc. every single element every single instance...this is extremely expensive and prone to errors.

Construction Blueprint.jpeg

All of the aforementioned madness is elegantly, precisely and productively replaced by: CAD+CAM+CNC+
Forced Outcome Assembly

CAD (Computer Aided Design)

Is the digitization and analysis of design information

CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing)

Transforms CAD data into a planned set of manufacturing instructions

CNC (Computer Numeric Control)

Executes manufacturing instructions in a variety of machine processes such as subtractive (cutting machine tools) and additive (3D printing machines) manufacturing

Forced Outcome/Cellular Assembly

Is the connection of the parts and components into intuitive unit geometries that can be quickly repeated at different scales into fully functioning systems, all with minimal training and no assembly errors.

These technological systems replace the need for a human and a collection of humans to act like craftsmen...the systems create and execute a digital twin so that a real component can be almost seamlessly produced and even modified all without the possibility of human error or time constraints.

The systems faithfully and tirelessly accomplish the following tasks:

Calculate, plan, maximize tool usage while minimizing material usage (example: part nesting), they constantly measure and transfer information automatically.  The systems count, load material, unload material and perform hazardous duties 24/7/365 without missing a beat.  This is precisely where Industry 3.0 merges with Industry 4.0.

Industry 1.0-4.0.png

CAD (Computer Aided Design)

Represents, Measures, Calculates, Scales, Analyzes, Prepares for CAM (via almost a seamless File, Renders photo real output of creations, Stores all necessary information, it is the birthplace and home of the digital twin.  CAD is where human input begins the journey to realization of a product.

CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing)

CNC (Computer Numeric Control)

Forced Outcome/Cellular Assembly

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