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It's all about relaxing.

That's the first step.

Entelligant's nature-based, three-component sleep solution




Sleep System


More than ever, humans have overlooked the importance of sleep and the effects of such deprivation are shown through widespread diseases, like diabetes, heart attacks, obesity, and more. With most looking to chemically-driven, harmful sleep aids for temporary solutions.

We have chosen to look for answers in 

elements that naturally induce sleep and take into account how nature helps us solve critical steps towards relaxation.


Emphasizing that natural sleep induction is the critical component to obtaining high quality sleep cycles, which does not occur in utilizing chemical sleep aids.


"Sleep is not a disposable luxury-it's a non-negotiable biological necessity. " 

- Dr. Matthew Walker


The mechanism delivers an ultraquiet, precise motion, that adapts to user preference over time for the best individual sleep performance. 

It also proves useful for long-term patient care, as research shows that this motion can improve lymphatic system circulation.

Screenshot 2019 Rocking Yourself to Slee
Screenshot 2011 Rocking & Brain Waves_ed
Screenshot 2019 Rocking Entrains Current

Many studies show the correlation between rocking and brain wave patterns, proving that this motion supports brain function, improves overall memory, and has the potential to delay onset Alzheimer's and Dementia.


Used in conjunction with the other components of the sleep system, sound can be very helpful in promoting relaxation. For complete immersion, we have integrated a surround sound system with a subwoofer.


The circadian rhythm has the ability to affect when one does or does not fall asleep.

Adhering to circadian rhythm patterns are vital to the process of restful sleep.

Entelligant prioritizes this method of falling sleep in accordance to nature's schedule, by utilizing natural light patterns.

System Programming & Overview

2022 ESI BR Sleep System Explanation.png
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